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Cardboard robot from manga Yotsuba&

Photo : Anton Tang « Antty », Singapour



Richard Vantielcke - France (Paris)

Project « Cardboard Box Head », narrative series of photos.



Cara Barer - US

Photos of paper sculptures (maps, books...)




Christian Tagliavini - Swiss/Italy

Photo series " Dame di Cartone"


Click pictures to see artist's website

Alain Delorme - France (Paris)

Totem #15, cardboard traffic in Shanghai, in the Totems series, photos in « augmented reality »





Zoey Taylor, artist and David Connelly, photographer.

" The music room", from the photo series "House of Cardboard".



Video : "On the Sea"


Photos Chris 73

Corrugated cardboard.


Nigel Coates - Italy
"Casa Slamp", cardboard decorations for staging  of Slamp lights.



Bethany bARTon - US

"Cardboard Time Machine".

Art Print






Toutes les créations postées sur ce site sont sous copyright de leurs créateurs, merci de respecter la propriété intellectuelle.

All creations posted on this site are copyrighted, thank you to respect intellectual property.

Site Wix 2013-14 par SG Mobilier Carton


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