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Green Party - New Zealand

Green Party is a New Zealand citizen group. October 2013, installing 510 cardboard machines casino for public awareness of the potential dangers of gambling, and to protest against the installation of a new casino in Auckland.





Fairtrade Foundation

Campaign to defend small producers and fair trade at the G8 in 2013, people signed a petition and protested in front of the British parliament with cardboard figures in their own image



Rethink Homelessness - US

Homeless association.


Vidéo :

Testimonieon cardboard in Orlando (Florida).






In 2012, cardboard messages are installed by someone in the town of Saint Paul (Minnesota).








Joey Hall - US

« Cardboard Love », sweet thoughts on cardboard for his lover.



events- messages...


For SUS (Services for the UnderServed), in New York in 2010. How to stop and interest passersby about the needs of homeless people, and encourage them to help ?

"Cardboard Apartment" : Transform the symbol of homeless cardboard box (often hidden), in something beautiful and seen by all. In one week, 437% more contributions.



Vidéo 1

Vidéo 2






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Site Wix 2013-14 par SG Mobilier Carton


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